OSTON On Her First Headline Tour

Article by Bhumika Choudhary

Photo by Bhumika Choudhary

On a road trip with friends to Ann Arbor, Michigan, the first track that would lay the groundwork for OSTON’s EP, Saint Rich. was born. The track, “Burton St.” which is a fan favorite and OSTON’s to perform live has over 3M streams on Spotify and was being belted across North America during OSTON’s first headline tour.

OSTON came into the spotlight when her song, ‘Lie About You,’ went viral and the music video was featured on MTV. From 2021, OSTON has come a long way in her musical journey and could not be more excited and nervous about her career right now.

Before her set in Boston, we had the opportunity to chat with OSTON and get the inside scoop on her latest EP, Saint Rich. and the tour. Read more below!

THIRTEEN: Thank you for speaking with us before you go rock out on stage. Could you tell us what made you leap into becoming a full-time musician?

OSTON: I guess I just never really saw myself doing anything besides music. I took voice lessons from a young age and was always writing songs and doing competitions throughout school. The thing that really made me take the leap into pursuing it professionally was probably the encouragement and support from my parents. If it wasn’t for my parents pushing me to chase my dreams, I would have been a lot more terrified to take the leap.

Thirteen: Where does your passion for music come from?

OSTON: I grew up in a house where there was always music playing. My parents would take my brother and I to concerts in the park, summer festivals, and encouraged us to take music lessons. I was singing from the moment I learned how to make sounds with my voice and there was no looking back. And once I was old enough to understand the beauty and intentionality behind songwriting, I completely fell in love with it.

Thirteen: How has your creative process evolved from ‘Sitting at the kids table’ to ‘Saint Rich?’

OSTON: My creative process from when I first started writing to now could literally not be more black and white. When I first started making music, I was very young and didn’t know what I wanted to say or how I wanted to sound - so it was easy to be molded and told what I should be doing. It’s taken years to get here, but I finally feel like I understand what I’m meant to add to this world as an artist and writer. Every time I go into a session for my project, I pull in friends and collaborators who I know have the best intentions and can support me in all the ways I need to make music that finally feels like “me”.

THIRTEEN: What was the first song you wrote for ‘Saint Rich’?

OSTON: The first song written for this EP was ‘Molly.’ with my friends Katie, Drew, and Jordy after Lollapalooza. At the time we were just experimenting and having fun - we had no idea it would be the beginning of Saint Rich.

THIRTEEN: Which song did you have the most fun with?

OSTON: Believe it or not, I think I had the most fun writing ‘Saint Rich.,’ which is the most emotional song on the EP. We were able to fit a bunch of secrets into those lyrics and couldn’t stop laughing at all the play on words we were finding. It’s almost like looking back at our own secret code language, or something.

THIRTEEN: Which song surprised and challenged you the most?

OSTON: ‘Wtf u want’. was hard to crack, honestly. That one wasn’t initially written for my project – it was actually more of a pitch song. I loved it so much and when no one wanted to take it, I knew I needed to find a spot for it on the EP. It was challenging to integrate the track into the Saint Rich. world, but I’m so glad that we tried because it is one of my favorite songs on the record.

THIRTEEN: How has it been touring so far? 

OSTON: I have absolutely loved getting to play all these new songs live for the first time. It’s simply insane that the EP was only released two months ago, and people are already screaming all the words back at me. That’s something I’ve always wanted, and I feel so grateful.

THIRTEEN: We must ask, how is touring with your best friend: Kate the Dreamer?

OSTON: It just feels like an extension of our life back in LA in a way. We lived together for four years and continue to write a gazillion songs together. She is literally my best friend and getting to bring her on the road and show my fans how truly dope she is, is such a dream (no pun intended).

THIRTEEN: Which song do you recommend for a first-time listener?

OSTON: Probably ‘Hard to Love’ and ‘Burton St.’

THIRTEEN: What career milestone do you feel most proud of and something that is on your bucket list?

OSTON: I have always wanted to play Lollapalooza, especially because I spent so many years of my life living in Chicago and attending the festival as a fan. So I feel really grateful that I got to play Lollapalooza - not only for my own set in 2021, but also the following two years with JORDY and Friday Pilots Club. A goal that is on the top of my list is to get into the festival circuit at some point (hopefully) soon.

THIRTEEN: What do you hope listeners take away from ‘Saint Rich’ and your music in general?

OSTON: A lot of my music is about my inner struggles - trying to learn how to love myself through all the stages and complications of a young adult life. Lately I’ve been writing a lot about how damaging it can be to live through toxic relationships, learning how to let go of people who hurt you in the past, and to be content with your independence. So, if you’re struggling with the complexities of growing up and loving yourself and those around you, give my music a listen – I feel like there might be something there for you.

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